Monday, September 6, 2010

Sultan Cup 2010 - Schedule

UM and Ex-UM are both taking part in this year’s Sultan Cup 2010 at Subang USJ 14 (Goodyear Court 9) zone. This year’s format is a “league” / full round-robin format so all 10 teams will play each other.

The following is a list of UM and Ex-UM games in Sultan Cup 2010. Most games for UM and Ex-UM are on the same day (as requested by us). 10/10/2010 game should be interesting!!

UM’ schedules:

Wed 15/9/2010 9.00pm UM v SWOOSH

Mon 20/9/2010 7.30pm POWER FORWARD v UM

Fri 24/9/2010 7.30pm UM v TABT

Wed 29/9/2010 7.30pm UM v WATERBOY

Wed 6/10/2010 7.30pm EMPIRE v UM

Fri 8/10/2010 7.30pm MKYC v UM

Sun 10/10/2010 11.00am UM v EX-UM

Wed 13/10/2010 7.30pm UM v JK5

Sun 17/10/2010 11.00am TOFB v UM

Ex-UM’s schedule

Wed 15/9/2010 7.30pm Power Forward v Ex-UM

Mon 20/9/2010 9.00pm Empire v Ex-UM

Fri 24/9/2010 9.00pm Ex-UM v Swoosh

Wed 29/9/2010 9.00pm Ex-UM v TABG

Wed 6/10/2010 9.00pm Ex-UM v Waterboy

Sun 10/10/2010 11.00am v UM v Ex-UM

Wed 13/10/2010 9.00pm TOFB v Ex-UM

Fri 15/10/2010 7.30pm MKYC v Ex-UM

Sun 17/10/2010 2.00pm Ex-UM v JK5

There are some clashes with KL Open’s schedule so some of the above game dates/times might still change.

In the meantime, a copy of the full schedule is also set out below (in jpg format). An excel format may be downloaded from



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